Sunday, October 7, 2012

Game Changer

This topic has been long over due, I was meaning to write about the Single Getaway (Yes, I am single again... will write about it soon but on my other site ... ^_^) event I just attended last month but again its been a busy week. Going through my notes of the said three days and two nights unforgettable event, I have some key points I want to share from the talk of Mrs. Eileen Fabregas about career and what should Christians do about it:

She said:

1. Find out where God has called you.

~ "You need to understand your talent"
~ "Understand the balance where God is leading you"

.... Simple words but powerful, one will never know how to excel on something if he doesn't know his own strengths. Knowing where you're good at allows you to master that skill with constant practice, perseverance and focus to achieve it.

2. Focus where God has called you.

~ "Generation today doesn't want to wait"
~ "Skillful + Excellence = Prosperous"

.....Like what Mrs. Eileen said, focus is the key. I was really encourage on this, for the longest time I was often out of focus. I really don't know where to begin with and its not  even the first time I heard these words  but for some reason at that moment it meant a lot.

3. Financial Literacy for what God has called you.

~ "God is leading us to be the lender not the borrower"
~ "As Christians we need to share our knowledge about money"

.....When one shares knowledge it empowers everyone who hears it. And I really like what she said, why is it that Christians never talked about money? she's right, we are accustomed to think that its a bad thing but in reality its not. The demand of money, the greed for money, and the love for money is what makes it evil.

Wait there's more.......

The Bible says:

“Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much."

~ Luke 16:10

..... Ptr. Jason Lo talks about our mind "Paradigm" about changing our mindset of how we think of money, I was really reminded of the talk of Chinkee Tan which I also attended few months ago. They share the same concept on how one should think about money and like what Mrs. Fabregas also said money is not evil but the "love of money" is what makes it evil. It does make sense...

On the third day.... ^_^

.... Before leaving we were down to one last topic the most anticipated topic of the event "Relationship" I was encouraged by Ptr. Jonathan's love story and it was refreshing to hear such stories from Pastors of the church. Also to mention how skillful dancer Pastor Jonathan really is, (hehehe) but kidding aside I was also encouraged of what he shared from the bible:

The Bible says:

"For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. 16 To the one we are an aroma that brings death; to the other, an aroma that brings life. And who is equal to such a task?"

~ 2 Corinthians 2 : 15-16

..... "We are God's signature scent to the world" as Ptr. Jonathan said. And I believe that we are God's aroma to this world. An aroma which will entice the world to be closer to God....

And Lastly.....

"A Woman should be 
so lost in God's love 
that a man must seek God 
first to find her"

~ Unknown~

.......One final thought for this topic, the theme is "Game Changer" because we are called to change the game of this world. Wherever God has placed you, whatever your career, whoever you are "HE has called you to CHANGE THE GAME" for "HIS HONOR" and for "HIS GLORY".  "BE BRANDED AS GOD'S SIGNATURE TO THE WORLD" so the rest of the world will wear the same brand as yours "GOD'S SCENT" and that's what Game Changer is for..... atleast for me.... ^_^

I leave you with the "Single Getaway Video" to encourage, to excite, and to inspire you how singleness can be fun and blessed. In this waiting season, "be encourage to wait upon the opportune time" as Ptr. Jonathan said it. And "trust God's promise" because he will never fail you.

Also read my previous post:  Reconciliation

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