Thursday, April 26, 2012

Fruits of the Holy Spirit

The Bible says:

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self - control. Against such things there is no law."

~ Galatians 5 : 22 - 23

..... Only when having the right relationship with Christ we can be baptized by the Holy Spirit and living according to what the scriptures says, we begun to see the fruits of the Holy Spirit. When continually obeying to God's word our hearts become renewed. We no longer desire the same things,  that is made of this world but we are now living according to the result of following His word. Unknowingly we become a changed person - a born again, in our own little way we execute these things. But these acts does not come from us, but from the Holy Spirit who dwells in us. It is because God has already instill in us the desire to change; mind, body, and soul. Aligned to what God had already planned. Nothing but the best of his perfect will for us.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

"A Royal Princess"

When I was about five years old, I can still remember I used to go to my Dad's closet (yes, my dad's closet! ^_^) to look for his big jacket. And what I would do with it, was wear the jacket from my waist so it will be like a gown (I am not kidding... ^_^) then cover my whole body with a blanket to get the illusion of a dress worn by Princesses in the medieval days. Then, I would walk around the room holding the dress a little higher to see the shoes I borrowed from my Mom. Reminiscing those days today makes me happy. Even as a child, I dreamed to be a "Princess".

"A person is either born into a royal family or not. If not, then no amount of intelligence, education, good looks, or money will make one royal. Peter calls us royal priesthood. As Christians, we are born into a privileged bloodline. Because we are royalty, we should hold our heads high and walk in confidence.

Not only we are born-again into a royal bloodline,we are royal priesthood. For the Jews in ancient Israel, to be a priest was a spiritual privilege for a few. The priest had special access to God. The priest had a place of honor in society. In Christ, we have special access to God and a place of honor as His royal priesthood.

We are royalty. We are priesthood. We should act like it by living in the presence of God"

~ Steve Murrell, (Identity, Experiencing Victory. IBS 2011)

.......... I was reading this while attending one of the seminars we have at the church. I was sitting down and tears watered my eyes... Because, all along I was dreaming of becoming a princess not knowing my true Identity in Christ. But the truth is, as what it says in the scriptures "I am a Princess" after all. Daughter of the King of kings and Lord of all ---- Jesus.

I leave you with a claiming heart, "I am his daughter" by Nicole Sheahan

Also, read my previous post: Holy Week

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Holy Week...

Why did Jesus have to die?

The bible says:

"For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."
~ Romans 6:23

......The bible says the penalty of our sin is death, the Lord requires punishment for any unrighteousness and that whoever sinned must die. "You are not a sinner because you sinned, you sinned because you are already a sinner, by nature we are a sinner" says Ptr. Paolo. We are all a sinner, and because we sinned we have to die. And when a sin has been committed, someone has to pay it is either the sinner or an exchange for it. In the bible when God has ordered Abraham to sacrifice his son (Isaac) to test his faith, a lamb was provided by God to be a burnt sacrifice instead of Isaac (Genesis 22). In the Passover, when the plague of the first born. The blood of the lamb was shed and placed at the front door of the Israelites, and they were spared (Exodus 11: 1 - 13,16). The blood of the lamb in exchange for the death of the first born son.

The bible says:

"Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!
~ John 1:29

.......Why does it have to be a lamb? because lamb are young (innocent), white (pure) and weak  (harmless). And because of these characteristics, God has chosen a lamb as a sacrifice. You see, we are supposed to die in order for our sins to be forgiven, but because God's standard cannot meet by anyone of us who are sinner in nature. Jesus had been an exchange instead, and He took our place at the cross. Because Jesus like a lamb are free of sin, worthy of God's standard (lamb of God).

The bible says:

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life."
~ John 3:16 ESV

.........It is said, that God has love us so much that he gave Jesus - his very own son to die for us. To sacrifice his worthy lamb (Jesus) for our sins. As it is said in the scriptures, It is finished! long before we are born Jesus had paid the price for our sins. We have been forgiven and we celebrate holy week to recognize that Jesus was the sacrifice for our sins - all because of God's love for us....

"My prayer is for us to commemorate God's love
 this Holy Week to remind us that because we sinned,
Jesus had to die."

I leave you with this song, "We Are The Reason" with the Passion of Christ video to commemorate God's love....

Also, read my previous post: A New Creation