Monday, July 9, 2012

Pure Heart

As a person who longed to seek God and all His ways, along the way God will allow us to meet individuals who share the same passion - of serving God. While we continue to build our relationship with God – he continue to establish that relationship by introducing us to  great people who would testify God’s love. Some will genuinely give a helping hand or share an encouraging words for those days we almost felt like giving up on our faith. People who give assurance of God’s love by simply being a living testimony of His love. How they can turn each tribulation in their lives into an awesome revelation of God’s words in different ways. It amazes me in tremendous measure. As Ptr. Paolo said “Our lives can be the only bible people read”. Yes, its true God use people's lives to be a blessing to others. And as we continue to know more about God, its a humbling experience to know how unconditional His love truly is. You see, its not really taking pride of what we had done in our lives but its being proud of  the changes "God" has done for us. Even how undeserving we are of his love, yet his grace continue to pour. And when one has so much, it just overflows and having the right heart to follow Christ, gives more meaning in whatever we do and joy will eventually radiates in unimaginably contagious way... And here's what I have learned;

The Bible says:

But the LORD said to Samuel, "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."

~ 1 Samuel 16:7

... As the bible says God looks at the heart.... And my desire is for others to understand too... That its not about the wisdom that really matters, or what church I attend to... But its the right relationship we have with God. Because at the end of the day, what matters most to God is not our "wisdom" we used to shame others, not our "talents" that gives glory to ourselves, and not our "good works" out of our own pride but how "pure our heart is doing all these things". Because all those things will be meaningless without the "right heart" for it.... I have been a victim of believing that I can do things on my own... My heart was to satisfy the need to prove myself worth.... but at the end of the day... It leaves me empty and lacking because pride has colored my heart pitch black....and its a real experience I want to share.... that without the "right heart" it bears no fruit....

"Our hearts are important to God.   What is the heart?  The heart is the soul or mind of man.  It is the foundation of our thoughts, passions, desires, appetites, affections, purposes, and endeavors.God wants our hearts to be right with Him and not just our outward appearances and actions."

~ Jeff Ellinger

I leave you with this song, Surrender by Planetshakers for I believe it is when we fully surrender to God, our life, our soul and our heart... we can fully obey God according to his will...

Also read my previous post:God Best or All The Rest