Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Bible

Back in my younger days, I really hate reading books. I am more of the listening-to-teacher-and-watching-videos-over-reading-really-long-novels type of a girl.... I never wanna spend time reading books for 3 days, when I can watch a movie about it in one and a half hour. Its how I learn, I learned more on things that I visually understand than read and visualize what was read. But you see, as time goes by people mature and at this point we are more laid-back. We learned new things differently each time. When I decided to follow Christ, he gave me the longing to know him - all of him. His ways, teachings, people and his will and aside from going to church to know all these things I also decided to read. Read as many scriptures in the bible I can think of.

Don't you know that every little thing that we ask or want to know in our life is in the bible?

And yes, everything.... but then again, its not as precise answers as we hoped for... but its more of what we needed to know to make the right decision in every aspect of our life....

Its more of Love Notes, Reminders and a Memo written by God anointed people, so the youth, leaders, and parents of today will acknowledge how God wants us to live our lives no matter what year, nation, and race we are born in.

In every battle, we needed an armor... (Ephesians 6:17)
In our every day life, we needed food to nourish our soul... (Matthew 4:4)
In all the days of our life, we needed guidance.... (Psalms 119:105)

Coming from the one-maker, one provider, and one God - Jesus Christ.... his life, love, and amazing story... has been written in the "Bible"....

"One will never fully lived to know God's ways, when one does not read his own bible"

Start your own habit.... Read the bible.....
Make it part your life.... Do it everyday...
Apply what was written...  and  Encourage others to do the same...

I leave you with, "Thy Word":

Also read, my previous post: Fruits of the Holy Spirit