Friday, March 9, 2012

Now Serving.... ^_^

I used to be an English Kindergarten teacher years ago in faraway land where I don't understand the language, everything was settled by my Mom and my Aunt that I will stay there to work because my aunt lived there at the time. At first, I never understood why I needed to go. Why me? and why should I?...... I worked there for 3 years and somehow, I survived but I never felt the joy. I didn't go to church for quite sometime and always at the bar with my friends. I felt the weight of the world and I hated my job, I love the kids but my job was too strenuous for me. I resigned and went back home. I told to myself even if they would pay me twice my salary, I will never be a kindergarten teacher again for the rest of my life.

Its funny after years had passed, now God called me to obey... to follow him.... and he revealed in his words what he wanted me to do for him.... To teach... To teach the Kids who attend the church services every Sunday. Not only to "TEACH" but to teach for "FREE".

You know what my answer is?  I said "YES".... "yes, Lord I will obey".....

For the bible says:

"Teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age"

~ Matthew 28:20

.....God send me to teach kindergarten long before.... because he wanted me to experience how to care for the children... For he had planned that I will serve him.... When he knows I am ready......

I leave you with this powerful revelation of strong relationship with God:

Also read my previous post: On Friendship

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