It's been awhile since I discuss a sensitive topic but I think today is one of them. Because this is so rampant and a pretty much common issue amongst the Christians of today. A friend who once told me:
"Some christians uses the word God's blessings even if they had to cheat and lie their way out of the situation, I don't think is a Christ-like thing at all"
I have to agree with her, she was right! I would like to address this issue because this is a reality. We christians tend to uplift our wrong actions but using "God's blessing" as shield to appraise it. I was guilty of it and the worst part, I was not even aware I was doing it until a friend had to tell me about it.
Christians today are so caught up to quoting "My life is blessed all the time" and they have to live in a certain standard that puts them to pressure that they need to lie, cheat and pretend to make everything looks like a blessing. In the end not realizing they have fallen on the pit. The pit of pride and hypocrisy. We loose the real value why we are called "Christians" it is not to uplift our self image or appease ourselves but to glorify the Lord's name by our deeds and reaching out to the lost. Some Christians may not even want to hear this truth and even uses God's verse to wisely avoid the real issue. It's a sad reality that only few will accept their own mistakes when corrected even among Christians. I am not exempted of this and I am not condemning anyone. But my prayer is for us to realize that while we call ourselves Christians? Atleast respect the name that we carry and just live as what God would do Himself. I know it's not easy but every step even little change matters. Every moment counts and every day is a chance to start. Do it today.
In light with these I would like to share the words below:
"The perfect expression of love for God is found in Jesus' own example. And so the Elder writes, whoever claims to live in [God] must walk as Jesus did. This statement seems to raise the stakes to an impossible level. Who can live like Jesus did? All of Jesus' life demonstrated obedience to God, and that obedience was manifested above all in his death on the cross (see Jn 5:19-20; 10:15, 17-18). Again, the point is not that we must manifest perfect obedience in all that we do. Rather we are to reflect on our lives, asking whether our thoughts, words and deeds show that our primary allegiance is to the God who is light." read more....
~ Obedience to God's Commands, Biblegateway Commentaries
Leaving you with Sidewalk Prophets "The words I would say"